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DIY Advent Calendars.

Looking for a more meaningful advent calendar that you can make with your family? Or maybe one with less chocolates? We have some ideas here for you.

We have included a range of ideas for easy to make advent calendars if you are looking to try something new this year.

Instead of treats or toys you can do activities together. See below list for some examples. We have included more than you will need. Simply write them on some paper and use with whichever style of calendar you choose.

1. Make Christmas cookies 2. Buy a toy for a child in need 3. Write Christmas cards to our friends and family 4. Make fancy hot/iced chocolate 5. Watch a Christmas movie together 6. Write a letter to Santa 7. Turn on Christmas music and dance 8. Make Christmas ornaments for our tree 9. Do some Christmas craft 10.Take a drive and look at Christmas lights 11. Make a Christmas card for an elderly person 12. Read Christmas stories 13. Decorate our house for Christmas 14. Christmas party tonight! 15. Watch Christmas cartoons together 16. Make Santa bubble beards in the bath 17. Visit Santa 18. Family game night 19. Make Christmas treats for the birds and squirrels 20. Colour/paint Christmas pictures 21. Go Christmas shopping 22. Sing a Christmas song for your grandparents 23. Buy food to donate to a food bank 24. Made edible Christmas gifts

25. Pyjama Day

26. Make a Gingerbread house

27. Feed the birds

28. Make Christmas Slime (or sensory play)

29. Do a Christmas science experiment

30. Sleep under the Christmas Tree 31. Open presents! (clearly last one)



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