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Fairy Gardens

It doesn't really matter you age but there is something magical about creating a special secret place for fairies to live in your garden.

We have had some magical visitors to our new fairy garden.🧚‍♀️

We were totally surprised by how many hours of imaginative and independent play happened in our fairy garden small world. We have found our fairy garden a great way to introduce loose parts play to our young children through small world set ups like this (others we have tried is swapping the fairies out for farm animals, wild animals, pets, dinosaurs the possibilities are endless).

Leading up to the completion of our fairy garden we read lots of books about magical fairies and other magical creatures, Dressed up like fairies, made magical fairy potions and fairy bread in the hope some fairies would see all the fun we had and want to make our fairy garden their home.

We had been collecting sticks and paper bark for a while to complete our fairy garden in the hope some fairies may come to call it home. What do you know some fairies did 😉 now there are hopes these fairies will tell there friends and more will come as we play with them so nicely.

Rules of our fairy garden: fairies don't like noise or rough play, so if you want them to stay your have to play gently and quietly.

To make our fairy garden we used the following items;

Large wooden cable reel, fake grass square, glass gems, river stones, sticks/branches, paper bark, corks, scraps of wood, strong glue, paint, blue ribbon (waterfall), some material scraps, fake plant wall square, fake flowers and glitter.

Most of what we bought was from Bunnings (Australian hardware store) or things we collected from nature or left overs from other projects like the paint for the water.

Fairy Garden made by us. Fairies from online Shop Minizoo and reject shop.



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